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Deal  Walmer  Sandwich and District Scouts

Unit Information

We meet at 5th Deal (Sholden) Scout HQ, The Street, Sholden every Thursday evening between 7.45 - 9.15pm unless stated otherwise on the unit programme.    The unit programme is continuously being updated so please take a look and scroll down the page to see what we have planned so far . . . . .

We take part in a wide range of indoor & outdoor activities with the ultimate aim of having fun whilst achieving the Chief Scouts Platinum & Diamond Awards.   

We also link with our district Duke of Edinburgh team to enable explorer scouts within the local area to gain their D of E Bronze, Silver & Gold Awards if they wish to do so.   

We try to keep the cost of activities to a minimum so the termly unit subscription is currently £40 which can be paid in full at the beginning of each term or £20 at the beginning of each half term.  This fee covers the annual membership payable to Scouting UK for insurance and admin and also goes towards the termly hall rent, weekly activities and badges awarded.    We also encourage the young people to take part in fundraising activities during the year.    Unfortunately some external activities & events do cost a little more and we may ask for additional funds for these at the time should we need to. 

If you would like to join the unit please email   dealaquila@gmail.com