Deal, Walmer, Sandwich & District Scouts
Welcome to the DWSDS General Data Protection Regulation Information Page.
Below you will find details of Data Protection documents that govern procedures
undertaken by all those holding District Roles,
and policies and declarations which require acceptance by new adults volunteering
their support to scouting in our District.
If you are a new adult or current member, and have any concern or query, please
contact us at this address,
or speak to a member of the District Team/District Executive Committee.
For New Adult Applicants
Policies and Declarations to be read and accepted before completion of the
Adult Application Form:
1. District GDPR Policy
2. National
Scout Association GDPR Policy
3. National
Scout Association Database (called Compass) Declarations
Please Note: Completion of the Adult Application denotes
acceptance of the contents of the above 3 documents.
If you have any concerns at all please DO NOT complete the form, but instead,
speak to the person asking you to complete the form, or contact the email
address above.
Deal, Walmer, Sandwich and District Scouts is part of the Kent Scout County.
This is their privacy policy:
Scouts County Privacy Policy
For Initiators of Applications only.
This version of our Local Adult Application form (AA) is to be used for all
new adult
applications in compliance with DWSDS Data Protection Policy Section 4.1 and
Appendix 6.
Please do not download if you are a new adult applicant.
Local AA
Form Version 11